Elsweg 13
tel. +31 341 557935
CBG-MEB - Medicines Evaluation Agency Netherlands
KOAG/KAG - Selfregulation System for medical and health claims Netherlands
NEPROFARM - Dutch OTC Association
NPN - Dutch Health Food Association
NVF - Dutch Society for Phytotherapy
NZVT - Netherlands Doping Security System Food Supplements
RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
NVWA - Dutch Food Safety Authority
ABC - American Botanical Council
AHPA - American Herbal Products Association
EC - European Commision
EFSA - European Food Safety Authirity
EHPM - European Federation of Associations of Health Products Manufacturers
EMEA - European Medicines Agency
ESCOP - European Scientific Cooperative On Phytotherapy
IADSA - International Alliance of Dietary/Food Supplements Associations
IPA - International Probiotics Association
SNE - Specialised Nutrition Europe (Parnuts) (former IDACE)